Paper Submission
Submission System
Papers are submitted via the Easychair system.
Instruction to Authors
Types of Papers and Page Counts. Submissions must be written in English and in the PDF format. Submissions should be made anonymous (i.e., no author names and affiliations information). Authors should use Springer’s template and the LaTeX templates are also available in Overleaf.
The most common types of papers accepted for publication are full papers (12-15 pages) and short papers (6-8 pages). A limited number of poster papers may be included, but these should not be shorter than 4 pages.
Figures. All figures are printed in black and white, unless special arrangement has been made for colored figures. Colored figures remain in color in the online version. Please make sure that any colored figures are equally comprehensible in black and white. Figures and Tables should be cross referred in the text. We do not support color in text, tables or in equations.
Submission of a paper is regarded as a commitment that at least one of its authors will register and attend the conference to present the work.
Poster Submission
Poster presentations offer researchers a unique opportunity to present late-breaking results, significant work in progress, or research that is best communicated in an interactive or graphical format. They further provide researchers with an opportunity to obtain direct feedback about their work from a wide range of persons during the poster session. Posters should focus on problems and methodology of the presented research. Extended abstracts describing the work will not be published in the conference proceedings. Accepted posters will be invited (APC fee waiver) to submit full version papers to IJDCF via the IGI Global system, which requires new template of materials. Submissions accepted by SciSec 2021, their extended version will also be accepted by IJDCF after a standard review process of IJDCF. Please note however, that posters describing work at the proposal stage will not be accepted.
Submissions of extended abstracts for posters must be in English and should not exceed two pages, in the Springer template and the LaTeX templates are also available in Overleaf. The only accepted form for submissions are PDF files.
Submissions need to be received by August 5, 2021.