Workshop Call for Papers

(1) The 2nd Workshop on Cyber threAt huNTing And inTelligence in heAlthcare (CANTATA)
The 2nd Workshop on Cyber threAt huNTing And inTelligence in heAlthcare (CANTATA) 2024 Co-located with the 6th International Conference on Science of Cyber Security - SciSec 2024, 14-16 August 2024, Copenhagen, Denmark,


The threat landscape in healthcare applications has become wider, and systems are prone to more sophisticated cyberattacks. Better proactive evidence collection, analytics and countermeasures are needed. Threat hunting and intelligence are potential for addressing these challenges. Proactive, adaptive and dynamic threat hunting and intelligence approaches incorporate threat and evidence-driven knowledge to the target systems. This will allow systems to anticipate and mitigate threats well before they are realized and to prevent large-scale cybersecurity incidents in the world where cyberthreats are more and more emphasized and dynamical. The area of cyber threat hunting and intelligence research is evolving, but still lacks widely accepted methods and tools and applicable analysis techniques in healthcare. The effects of cyberthreats in healthcare services are not only restricted to data confidentiality and integrity but also, they may endanger precious lives. Therefore, new solutions for proactive, adaptive and dynamic threat hunting and intelligence are needed. In view of this, a strong research-based innovation and collaboration between healthcare experts, security experts, software architects and system developers are essential.
The workshop will provide a discussion platform for researchers in the field and an opportunity to share novel research on the topic. The outcome of the workshop will be an increased shared understanding of challenges and opportunities in systematic approaches to cyber threat hunting and intelligence, which are needed to support efficient construction and maintenance of secure healthcare systems.
Supported by the International Alliance for Strengthening Cybersecurity and Privacy in Healthcare (CybAlliance – project.

Topics of Interest

Topics of interest (in healthcare) comprise but are not limited to - Tackling threat complexity
- Mitigating the challenges of data growth
- Proactive gathering of evidence-based knowledge
- Automation of threat hunting and intelligence
- Effective threat countermeasures and response methods
- Adaptive and proactive methods for threat hunting and intelligence
- Efficient tools for threat-driven decision making
- Intrusion and vulnerability detection intelligence
- Threat and security metrics
- Human factors in threat hunting
- AI/ML/DL for threat hunting and intelligence
- Collaborative knowledge and information sharing
- Cognitive approaches for threat hunting
- Knowledge transfer methodologies for threat hunting and intelligence
- Mechanisms for identifying threat actors
- Data analytics for threat hunting and intelligence

Important Dates (Tentative)

Paper Submission Deadline: 7 April 2024
Acceptance Notification: 20 May 2024
Camera Ready Due: 10 July 2024
Conference Date: 14-16 August 2024

Paper Submission Guidelines

All papers need to be submitted electronically through the conference submission via the Easychair system with PDF format. At least one author of each accepted paper is required to register and present their work at the workshop; otherwise the paper will not be included in the proceedings.
Submitted papers must not substantially overlap with papers that have been published or that have been simultaneously submitted to a journal or a conference with proceedings. Submissions should be at most 12-15+ pages long (full paper), or 6-11 pages (short paper) including the bibliography and appendices and should follow the CCIS style.
Pre-proceedings will be made available at the workshop. Accepted conference papers are planned to be published by Springer in the CCIS collection.

Workshop Organizers

Reijo Savola
University of Jyväskylä, Finland

Habtamu Abie
Norwegian Computing Center, Norway

Shouhuai Xu
University of Colorado Colorado Springs, USA

Vasileios Mavroeidis
University of Oslo, Norway

Ali Dehghantanha
University of Guelph, Canada

Sandeep Pirbhulal,
Norwegian Computing Center, Norway

Program Committee (tentative)

Tapio Frantti, University of Jyväskylä, Finland
Sokratis Katsikas, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
Manos Athanatos, Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas, Crete
Dieter Gollmann, Hamburg University of Technology, Germany
Cristina Alcaraz, University of Malaga, Spain
Ilangko Balasingham, Oslo University Hospital, Norway
Kai Rannenberg, Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany
Mauro Conti, University of Padua, Italy
Joaquin Garcia-Alfaro, Telecom SudParis, France
Jari Partanen, Bittium, Finland
Vasileios Gkioulos, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
Fabio Martinelli, IIT-CNR, Italy
Ankur Shukla, IFE, Norway
Aapo Cederberg, Cyber Watch Finland, Finland
Christos Xenakis, University of Piraeus, Greece
Kurt Tutschku, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden
Marios Anagnostopoulos, Aalborg University, Denmark
Ali Hassan Sodhro, Kristianstad University College, Sweden

(2) Communication Network Security Workshop (ComNet-Sec)
The communication network security workshop (ComNet-Sec) 2024 will be held with the 6th International Conference on Science of Cyber Security - SciSec 2024, 14-16 August 2024, Copenhagen, Denmark,


As we increasingly rely on communication networks for both personal and professional purposes, the variety and complexity of security threats they face are growing rapidly. The advent of new technologies like IoT and 5G has not only diversified potential attack vectors but also underscored the urgent need for advanced proactive defense strategies. Effective threat detection, thorough evidence gathering, smart analytics, and agile countermeasures are crucial to protect these critical infrastructures. Employing proactive, adaptable, and dynamic security approaches, which combine sophisticated threat intelligence and real-time data analysis, can greatly improve a network system's ability to foresee, identify, and neutralize potential threats before they lead to serious security breaches.
This workshop is designed to stimulate in-depth discussions among researchers, security experts, policy makers, and industry practitioners. It aims to explore new security strategies, share the latest research, and forge comprehensive solutions that enhance the security, resilience, and dependability of communication networks.

Topics of Interest

• Network security protocols
• Cryptography for communication networks
• Intrusion detection and prevention systems
• Security in wireless and mobile networks
• Security in 5G and beyond networks
• IoT network security
• Blockchain technology for network security
• Quantum-resistant communications
• Privacy-preserving technologies
• Threat modeling and risk assessment in networks
• Secure network architecture and design
• Authentication and access control systems
• Cyber-physical system security
• Security for cloud-based networks
• AI and machine learning for network security
• Anomaly and attack detection
• Security policy and compliance in networks
• Ethical and legal implications of network security
• Forensic methodologies for communication networks
• Security in optical and quantum communication networks
• VPNs, anti-virus tools, and security operations
• Network resilience and fault tolerance
• Encryption standards and key management
• Security education and awareness in network contexts

Important Dates (Tentative)

Paper Submission Deadline: 15 May 2024
Acceptance Notification: 20 June 2024
Camera Ready Due: 10 July 2024
Conference Date: 14-16 August 2024

Paper Submission Guidelines

All papers need to be submitted electronically through the conference submission via the Easychair system with PDF format. The submission link is
At least one author of each accepted paper is required to register and present their work (online or physically) at the workshop; otherwise the paper will not be included in the proceedings.
Submitted papers must not substantially overlap with papers that have been published or that have been simultaneously submitted to a journal or a conference with proceedings. Submissions should be at most 12-15+ pages long (full paper), or 6-11 pages (short paper) including the bibliography and appendices and should follow the CCIS style, which can be found at
Pre-proceedings will be made available at the workshop. Accepted conference papers are planned to be published by Springer in the CCIS collection.

Workshop PC Chair

Ming Xiao
KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
Liangxin Qian (e-mail:
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

(3) Advanced Security Systems Workshop (ASSW): Harnessing AI, Machine Learning, and Hardware Innovations for Cybersecurity
The Advanced Security Systems Workshop (ASSW) 2024 will be held with the 6th International Conference on Science of Cyber Security - SciSec 2024, 14-16 August 2024, Copenhagen, Denmark,


The Advanced Security Systems Workshop (ASSW) 2024 focuses on practical and innovative uses of artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, data analytics, and advanced hardware technologies to tackle today's cybersecurity challenges. This workshop invites researchers and practitioners to share breakthroughs in how these technologies can predict, detect, and respond to threats, as well as strengthen the security of both digital and physical systems. We are looking for research that shows new ways to combine AI and machine learning with cybersecurity tactics, create new methods for analyzing security data, or develop advanced hardware security solutions.

Topics of Interest

• AI-Driven Threat Detection: Techniques for using AI to detect, categorize, and respond to cybersecurity threats in real-time.
• Machine Learning for Predictive Security: Development of machine learning models that predict vulnerabilities and potential attack vectors before they are exploited.
• Data Analytics in Security Decision-Making: Utilization of big data analytics to inform security decision-making processes and improve the proactive capabilities of security systems.
• Innovative Hardware Security Measures: Cutting-edge research on hardware security, including cryptographic hardware, embedded systems security, and physical unclonable functions.
• Robotic Security Systems: Integration of security protocols within robotic systems to ensure safe and secure operations, particularly in sectors like manufacturing and healthcare.
• Integrative Models of AI and Cybersecurity: Studies that combine traditional cybersecurity approaches with artificial intelligence to create more robust defense strategies.
• Blockchain for Secure Communications: Application of blockchain technology to secure sensitive communications in digital networks against tampering and eavesdropping.
• Quantum-resistant Cryptography: Research into cryptographic methods that are secure against quantum computing threats.
• Privacy Enhancements through AI: Techniques that leverage AI to enhance data privacy without compromising the ability of systems to learn from data.
• Counteracting Adversarial AI Attacks: Methods and technologies developed to protect AI-driven systems from adversarial attacks.
• Comprehensive Security for Cyber-Physical Systems: Solutions that ensure the security of systems blending digital and physical elements, particularly in critical infrastructures.

Important Dates (Tentative)

Paper Submission Deadline: 15 May 2024
Acceptance Notification: 20 June 2024
Camera Ready Due: 10 July 2024
Workshop Date: 14-16 August 2024

Paper Submission Guidelines

All submissions must be original and not substantially overlap with works that have been published or simultaneously submitted elsewhere. Papers should be submitted electronically through the Easychair system ( in PDF format, adhering to the specified formatting guidelines. Authors should use Springer’s template ( and the LaTeX templates are also available in Overleaf (
Submissions can be either full papers (12-15 pages) or short papers (6-11 pages), in single-column format, including bibliography and appendices. At least one author of each accepted paper is required to register and present their work at the workshop, or the paper will not be included in the proceedings.

Workshop PC Chair

Wenhan Yu (email:
Nanyang Technological University

(4) AI Safety Workshop (AISW): Ensuring Artificial Intelligence (AI) Use is Safe and Secure Worldwide
The AI Safety Workshop (AISW) 2024 will be held with the 6th International Conference on Science of Cyber Security - SciSec 2024, 14-16 August 2024, Copenhagen, Denmark,


The AI Safety Workshop (AISW) 2024 focuses on scientific innovations and policy enforcement strategies to safeguard humanity from unexplainable and uncontrollable AI services in society and tackle real-world cybersecurity challenges. This AISW invites practitioners and researchers to share their breakthroughs in shaping safer AI technologies and limiting their possible harm to society. We are looking for research papers that suggest new preventive approaches to reduce the risks of AI-based public services, such as deepfake phishing, cyber scamming, and cyberbullying.

Topics of Interest

• Trustable AI software architectures: Designing approaches for deploying AI to detect the reliability and authenticity of multimedia contents.
• Evaluation of GenAI Tools’ Risks: Analayzing possible risks (e.g., blocking netizens from creativity and creative thinking) that GenAI tools (e.g., ChatGPT) can bring to the society.
• Safety Engineering Considerations: Taking into account practical requirements to devise safe user-to-machine interactive mechanisms in automated decision-making systems.
• AI Safety Assurance: The development of enforcement models to use bounded morality in AI-based systems ensures that they are more ethically aligned with international laws such as the Singapore PDPA and EU GDPR.
• Characterizing AI Safety in Risk Levels. Exploring three aspects of AI safety as quantitative criteria (e.g., capability, generality, and control) to form evaluation metrics for these dimensions, while characterizing and analysing the AI risks more accurately.
• Correlations of Explainability, Transparency, and Accountability with AI safety: Investigating GenAI-based tools’ characteristics such as explainability, transparency, accountability, and ethics, to discover how they relate the safety of their services.
• Role and effectiveness of oversight: Investigating the corrigibility and interruptibility implementation models while performing value and policy changes in AI-based systems.
• Regulating AI-based tools and limiting their services: Regulating safety standards and proposing enforcement polices to reduce the possible risks of AI-based tools and the negative impacts of such services to society.
• Cyber-wellness education for AI safety: Exploring effective educational methods or practices to train all range of netizens in society to safeguard their data and financial assets while interacting with the GenAI-crafted contents on social media platforms.

Important Dates (Tentative)

Paper Submission Deadline: 15 May 2024
Acceptance Notification: 20 June 2024
Camera Ready Due: 10 July 2024
Workshop Date: 14-16 August 2024

Paper Submission Guidelines

All submissions must be original and not substantially overlap with works that have been published or simultaneously submitted elsewhere. Papers should be submitted electronically through the Easychair system ( in PDF format, adhering to the specified formatting guidelines. Authors should use Springer’s template ( and the LaTeX templates are also available in Overleaf (
Submissions can be either full papers (12-15 pages) or short papers (6-11 pages), in single-column format, including bibliography and appendices. At least one author of each accepted paper is required to register and present their work at the workshop (online or physically), or the paper will not be included in the proceedings. Pre-proceedings will be made available at the workshop. Accepted conference papers are planned to be published by Springer in the CCIS collection.

Workshop PC Chair (tentative)

Milad Taleby Ahvanooey (email:
Nanyang Technological University