DTU Mødecenter: Anker Engelunds Vej 1, 2800 Kgs. Lyngby
DTU's meeting center is located at DTU Building 101, whereas in the same building as the DTU's Administration Office.
Founded in 1829 with the mission of creating value for the benefit of society, DTU is an international elite technical university where education, scientific advice, and innovation rest on a solid foundation of world-class research. The Meeting room is situated on the Anker Engelunds Vej's side, where you can immediately reach the entrance through the gate at 101A or 101B.

Banquet Location: They find Fortunen in the beautiful surroundings close to Dyrehaven. Since 1766, when the King granted permission to operate a tractor site, traditional Danish food has been served. Fortunen is your restaurant in Lyngby, where you will be served traditional Danish food in authentic surroundings. The food is made from scratch and with a great deal of love.